A woman named Yi Xuan, who is at a low point in her career and has been struggling with everything in her life, is facing imminent unemployment when a well-known "secret room" is organizing an event where her agent is making creative claimsI registered for her. Inviting people with courage and couraA woman named Yi Xuan, who is at a low point in her career and has been struggling with everything in her life, is facing imminent unemployment when a well-known "secret room" is organizing an event where her agent is making creative claimsI registered for her. Inviting people with courage and courage to participate in the event, and the winner will receive a generous prize. Helpless, Yixuan chose to follow her agent's arrangement and participated in this eventActivities. I want to take this opportunity to salvage my career and a disappointed life.Details
Actor:Cheyenne Löhnen,Annine van der Meer,Dian Biemans,Nicole Caldwell,Marcia Chong,Katarina Gaborova,Sandri Moti,Hanna Rosin,Gloria Steinem,Jennifer Lyon Bell