This film tells the story of a period during the Japanese War that took place in the famous red revolutionary anti Japanese base area of Yimeng Mountain, where the military and civilians united to fight against the Japanese invaders. A comrade of the Eighth Route Army carrying out a missionSong LianThis film tells the story of a period during the Japanese War that took place in the famous red revolutionary anti Japanese base area of Yimeng Mountain, where the military and civilians united to fight against the Japanese invaders. A comrade of the Eighth Route Army carrying out a missionSong Liang was ambushed and injured by a team of Japanese soldiers. Several young people from nearby villages rescued him and carefully treated him. The Japanese soldiers entered the village to search, and the whole village bravely protected Song Liang. In the end, Song Liang andThe villagers worked together to eliminate the Japanese soldiers.Details
Actor:Cheyenne Löhnen,Annine van der Meer,Dian Biemans,Nicole Caldwell,Marcia Chong,Katarina Gaborova,Sandri Moti,Hanna Rosin,Gloria Steinem,Jennifer Lyon Bell