The story tells of a young girl who is imprisoned in a villa in the deep mountains and experiences a series of bizarre stories with the culprit. Young girl Li Xinyue and her "hiker" came to the scenic area for tourism, but accidentally fell behind and accidentally entered Xu Zherong's villaIn the prThe story tells of a young girl who is imprisoned in a villa in the deep mountains and experiences a series of bizarre stories with the culprit. Young girl Li Xinyue and her "hiker" came to the scenic area for tourism, but accidentally fell behind and accidentally entered Xu Zherong's villaIn the process of getting along, Li Xinyue discovered that Xu Zherong had many strange habits. The most terrifying thing was that he sleepwalked at night and called out to a dummy his mother. Li Xinyue was extremely frightened and wanted to run away, butDiscovered by Xu Zherong, Li Xinyue fainted during the dispute. I woke up from a coma and found myself tied to a chair, unable to move, and my mouth sealed with tape. She struggled desperately but had no way out. thisAt that moment, Xu Zherong walked into the room and stared at her fiercely, threatening her to do as he said, otherwise he would kill her. In fear, Xinyue could only nod desperately in agreement. Afterwards, the two of them got together in a forbidden room, emotionally and emotionallyThe state of mind has undergone subtle changes.Details