This film tells an entrepreneurial story about personal growth. The protagonist, Xiao Qiang, was born in a remote rural area. Unfortunately, his mother passed away in a car accident when he was young. The family's life was very difficult, but fortunately, his grandmother and father passed awayThe meThis film tells an entrepreneurial story about personal growth. The protagonist, Xiao Qiang, was born in a remote rural area. Unfortunately, his mother passed away in a car accident when he was young. The family's life was very difficult, but fortunately, his grandmother and father passed awayThe meticulous care of the family, the harmony and friendliness of the family, and although life is very difficult, it is also very happy and warm. It is the harmony and happiness of this family that gives it a tenacious and grateful nature.After reaching adulthood, the strong and sensible Xiaoqiang chose to go to Shanghai alone to start a business and work hard in order to reduce the burden on his family. The path of entrepreneurship was very difficult, which made him encounter many difficulties and setbacks. However, due to Xiaoqiang's kindnessBy nature, Xiaoqiang received a lot of help and encouragement. After experiencing many ups and downs, Xiaoqiang used his strength and courage to embark on his own career in Shanghai, andAt the same time, Xiaoqiang also won his own love, and after success, Xiaoqiang was grateful and chose to give back to society.Details
Actor:Cheyenne Löhnen,Annine van der Meer,Dian Biemans,Nicole Caldwell,Marcia Chong,Katarina Gaborova,Sandri Moti,Hanna Rosin,Gloria Steinem,Jennifer Lyon Bell