The historical crime action thriller "Inviting No One" is produced by Wei Junzi, supervised by Zhang Zhe, directed and written by Yang Bingjia, directed and written by Qin Pengfei, and starring Xie Miao. Gao Weiman, Xiang Hao, Liu BenStarring Zhang Di. The blind knife catcher, who possessed exceptioThe historical crime action thriller "Inviting No One" is produced by Wei Junzi, supervised by Zhang Zhe, directed and written by Yang Bingjia, directed and written by Qin Pengfei, and starring Xie Miao. Gao Weiman, Xiang Hao, Liu BenStarring Zhang Di. The blind knife catcher, who possessed exceptional skills, became blind and met Ni Yan, a tavern girl who was brutally exterminated and humiliated. Originally unwilling to intervene, he gradually became embroiled in a powerful and dark conflictThe blind man began to embark on the path of seeking justice and revenge, and his true identity was revealed accordingly.Details