This drama mainly tells the story of a mysterious spy named Shen Po who is ambushed during a mission. In order to solve this case, Shen Po searches for elites and finds the once outstanding undercover detective Wang Zixuan on the street. This person has someSmart and resourceful, he is a rare talentThis drama mainly tells the story of a mysterious spy named Shen Po who is ambushed during a mission. In order to solve this case, Shen Po searches for elites and finds the once outstanding undercover detective Wang Zixuan on the street. This person has someSmart and resourceful, he is a rare talent for working as a spy. After Shen Po's special training, Wang Zixuan finally overcame six levels and passed five generals, becoming an elite spy. Later, Shen Po retired on vacation in order toTo test Wang Zixuan's strength, she arranged for her partner to participate in the case of Yi Huo and selected a partner for him in the World Cup. Wang Zixuan quickly found clues and the target of the case, Lin Junyi. Lin Junyi used them toYan Sang's beauty tempted Wang Zixuan, and the two engaged in various open and secret struggles, leading to a larger transnational drug trafficking case.Details
Actor:Cheyenne Löhnen,Annine van der Meer,Dian Biemans,Nicole Caldwell,Marcia Chong,Katarina Gaborova,Sandri Moti,Hanna Rosin,Gloria Steinem,Jennifer Lyon Bell