The movie tells the story of two left behind children ten years ago, Yan Zi (played by Zheng Qiuhong) and Chen Lu (played by Qing Wen), who have a strong personality and are submissive, who experience a turning point in their lives after meeting Teacher Zhang, who is teaching in a rural area. The twThe movie tells the story of two left behind children ten years ago, Yan Zi (played by Zheng Qiuhong) and Chen Lu (played by Qing Wen), who have a strong personality and are submissive, who experience a turning point in their lives after meeting Teacher Zhang, who is teaching in a rural area. The two of them want to join the choir organized by Teacher Zhang, but they must have a "Hundred Birds Clothes" to join. Swallows have a hundred bird clothing, while Chen Lu does not. Swallow and his younger brother want to buy accessories for Chen Lu's Bainiao clothes,I didn't want my younger brother to get caught in the rain, have a fever, and become deaf. Swallow and Chen Lu sold their Bainiao clothes and property to treat their younger brother. The only thing left for the two who have nothing is to snuggle up to each other for warmth. The deep love of sisters makesThey are still optimistic and cheerful. However, under the arrangement of fate, Chen Lu ultimately had to leave Yanzi. Fifteen years later, the two reunited again, but things had already changed. Swallow worked hard in the cityAfter establishing a foothold in the market, like Teacher Zhang in the past, he began to help one left behind child after anotherDetails