This film tells the story of Qu Li leading an adventure club to explore a legendary haunted house, only to find out that it was just an old lady picking up waste and living with her grandson, deliberately causing trouble without wanting to be disturbed. Later, I recruited new people through clubsLinThis film tells the story of Qu Li leading an adventure club to explore a legendary haunted house, only to find out that it was just an old lady picking up waste and living with her grandson, deliberately causing trouble without wanting to be disturbed. Later, I recruited new people through clubsLin Jie invited her to participate in an exploration activity, but in the end, everyone encountered an attack during the event. All of this was due to the playboy Ou Li's capricious behavior since childhood, and his father's deliberate plan to teach Ren his son a lesson. The film aims to express through this story the theory that all superstitions and ghosts are just caused by the human heart. All unknowns and fears can be explained in a scientific way, and the protagonist distinguishes them from a young ageA story of youthful inspirations from frivolity to maturity and responsibility. Let teenagers understand that if they encounter difficulties during their growth process, they must actively face them. To achieve success, one must possess a spirit of perseverance and self-improvementSuccess is achieved. Having money is not for squandering, but for helping those in need, so that life can be more valuable.Details