This film takes place during the Republic of China era and tells the story of Mu Yuan, who is on the brink of death. In his mind, he creates a new identity for himself as a police officer, Zhao Ren. As Zhao Ren uncovers the truth behind a series of thrilling and bizarre events, Mu Yuan also completeThis film takes place during the Republic of China era and tells the story of Mu Yuan, who is on the brink of death. In his mind, he creates a new identity for himself as a police officer, Zhao Ren. As Zhao Ren uncovers the truth behind a series of thrilling and bizarre events, Mu Yuan also completes his missionThe inner redemption before death. This story tells a philosophical story about spiritual redemption with a gripping plot. Intended to convey to the audience, only by bravely facing past mistakes and hardships can weBeing able to truly unravel inner turmoil and get out of the haze, and regain new life.Details