The film tells the story of three college students, Zhou Li, Lin Xi, and Gao Dashang, who work hard for their respective dreams. In the process of realizing their dreams, they encounter various setbacks, and their goals are firm, overcoming various difficulties they encounterDifficulty, ultimately rThe film tells the story of three college students, Zhou Li, Lin Xi, and Gao Dashang, who work hard for their respective dreams. In the process of realizing their dreams, they encounter various setbacks, and their goals are firm, overcoming various difficulties they encounterDifficulty, ultimately realizing the dream.Details
Actor:Cheyenne Löhnen,Annine van der Meer,Dian Biemans,Nicole Caldwell,Marcia Chong,Katarina Gaborova,Sandri Moti,Hanna Rosin,Gloria Steinem,Jennifer Lyon Bell