The story tells of Qin Xuan, a Taoist nun who has been living in seclusion on the mountain for many years. In order to save her kidnapped master, she decides to go down the mountain, search for her nephew Han Shuo, who has been missing for many years, and retrieve the Kirin Sword. Who knew, Han ShuoThe story tells of Qin Xuan, a Taoist nun who has been living in seclusion on the mountain for many years. In order to save her kidnapped master, she decides to go down the mountain, search for her nephew Han Shuo, who has been missing for many years, and retrieve the Kirin Sword. Who knew, Han Shuo wasYears ago, the Abbess had a grudge against her and did not intend to help Qin Xuan. Finally, under the guidance of his roommate Zheng Yingjun, he let go of his obsession and together rescued the Abbess from the hands of the kidnappers. His aunt and nephew also repaired their relationshipAbbess decided to continue practicing in the mountains, and at this time, Han Shuo and Qin Xuan had already developed feelings for each other. Before leaving, Qin Xuan couldn't let go of his feelings for Han Shuo and decided to stay by his side, continuing to search for the QilinThe fall of the sword.Details
Actor:Cheyenne Löhnen,Annine van der Meer,Dian Biemans,Nicole Caldwell,Marcia Chong,Katarina Gaborova,Sandri Moti,Hanna Rosin,Gloria Steinem,Jennifer Lyon Bell