The protagonist of the story is named Li Tiantian, a ten year old girl who has musical talent and enjoys playing the piano. Laid-off parents have tried their best to earn hard-earned money for their daughter's happiness, but they didn't expect that there will be more than just disastersOkay, my fathThe protagonist of the story is named Li Tiantian, a ten year old girl who has musical talent and enjoys playing the piano. Laid-off parents have tried their best to earn hard-earned money for their daughter's happiness, but they didn't expect that there will be more than just disastersOkay, my father died in a car accident, and my mother, who was earning money to support the family, encountered local thugs. During this time, my neighbor Zhao Gang cheated the Li family out of money, and then humanity returned. After winning the first prize in the talent competition, Tian Tian chose to release itAbandon. Because my mother's health and life are far more important than this late piano.Details