This film tells the touching story of a common hero, Hao Ge, who travels and struggles for love and righteousness in the modern urban life where materialism prevails. Ayeyin approached Zhang Hao with a huge hidden business opportunity in Erlong Lake and deliveredGive Zhang Hao a box of pig money. ZhThis film tells the touching story of a common hero, Hao Ge, who travels and struggles for love and righteousness in the modern urban life where materialism prevails. Ayeyin approached Zhang Hao with a huge hidden business opportunity in Erlong Lake and deliveredGive Zhang Hao a box of pig money. Zhang Hao started his business as an ecological pig farm in Erlong Lake with money, and managed it with great success, leading the villagers of Erlong Lake onto the road to wealth. However, Zhang Hao worked with Chen Guofu and AhUnder the temptation of translation, he became complacent and broke with his brothers and blueberries who truly cared about him. After learning about Chen Guofu's conspiracy and deception, Zhang Hao fell into a situation of betrayal and estrangement, with the help of BlueberryThe four brothers reunited and supported Zhang Hao in successfully resisting Chen Guofu's gang forces.Details
Actor:Cheyenne Löhnen,Annine van der Meer,Dian Biemans,Nicole Caldwell,Marcia Chong,Katarina Gaborova,Sandri Moti,Hanna Rosin,Gloria Steinem,Jennifer Lyon Bell